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Building Your Brand One Post At A Time

Social Media & Event Services

After years of helping businesses, writers, artists, and more create content and launch their presence on social media, I'm opening up my services to you!

**All packages come with an evaluation of what your brand is and how it communicates with your audience. Additional Branding services can be added to any package.**  


Social Awareness Package

With this basic package, I will create for you a Social Media Marketing in a box plan. What that entails is:

  • An evaluation of your current social media impact to see where your impact can be improved

  • A one-month content calendar to use as a guide leading up to your launch/event or geared around rebranding an existing product that you can enact on your own.

  • Best Practices tip guide on how to increase reach, community engagement, and grow followers (this will include a guide to tags that coordinate with your industry and product)

  • If you haven’t currently started on Social Media, I will walk you through the process of creating and launching the platforms necessary for your target audience

Audiovisual Conference

Social Butterfly Package

With this package, I will not only help you create your plans for Social Media but will also help you get them off the ground:

  • An evaluation of your current social media impact to see where your impact can be improved

  • A one-month content calendar (that I will assist in enacting), leading up to your launch/event or geared around rebranding an existing product.

  • Best Practices tip guide on how to increase reach, community engagement, and grow followers (this will include a guide to tags that coordinate with your industry and product)

  • If you haven’t currently started on Social Media, I will walk you through the process of creating and launching the platforms necessary for your target audience

  • A limited time assistance with copy writing and curating of all Social Media channels

Networking Event

Social Prowess Package

With this package, I will help you take control of your social media marketing, putting you on your way to a well-defined audience:

  • An evaluation of your current social media impact to see where your impact can be improved

  • A three-month content calendar (that I will enact), leading up to your launch/event or geared around rebranding an existing product.

  • Best Practices tip guide on how to increase reach, community engagement, and grow followers (this will include a guide to tags that coordinate with your industry and product) for continued success.

  • If you haven’t currently started on Social Media, I will walk you through the process of creating and launching the platforms necessary for your target audience

  • A limited time assistance with copy writing and curating of all Social Media channels

  • A limited time Community Management of your Social Media channels to help create an active, engaged audience

  • Assistance with developing an events calendar geared towards your launch/event or rebranding of a product

Audiovisual Conference

Social Engagement Package

With this package, I will help you not only get a handle of your Social Media Marketing, but will help coordinate an event to help build awareness/drive traffic:

  • An evaluation of your current social media impact to see where your impact can be improved

  • A three-month content calendar (that I will enact), leading up to your launch/event or geared around rebranding an existing product.

  • Best Practices tip guide on how to increase reach, community engagement, and grow followers (this will include a guide to tags that coordinate with your industry and product) for continued success.

  • If you haven’t currently started on Social Media, I will walk you through the process of creating and launching the platforms necessary for your target audience

  • A limited time assistance with copy writing and curating of all Social Media channels

  • A limited time Community Management of your Social Media channels to help create an active, engaged audience

  • Assistance with developing an events calendar geared towards your launch/event or rebranding of a product

  • Coordination of one event geared towards your launch/event or rebranding of an existing product.

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